Monday, October 21, 2013

The Amazing Miles is 2!!

Our precious little baby has turned into an incredible, clever, and sweet toddler!

Bob the Builder
Mickey Mouse
Thomas the Train
Red car(Dad's Mini)
Purple car(for the Elmo CD)
Mexican food
Anything Grandparents!
Being outside (out front, out back, walks, or PARKS - any will do, he's not picky)
Bubble mower

Anything sugary

This boy is a parrot. He repeats EVERYTHING! He knows so many words that I can't list them all here. His first cuss word was the "s" word, thanks to his Mom. Ooooooops! I will say that life is so, so, so much easier now that he can communicate his needs.... Hungeeee!

Now is such a fun, exploratory time. He's such a blast to be around and he's so funny and clever. What a joy, I have no idea how we all got so lucky to have this incredible little boy in our lives.

He had Croup for his 2nd birthday(the downfall of daycare) so we had to move his party out a week, sweet boy!